Building the emphasis on organic social media at POSSIBLE 2024

In a tech revolution, we can't lose sight of the power of organic social media.

June 6, 2024
Public Relations & Social Media Manager

As a lifelong learner, I am a conference aficionado. I enjoy getting the chance to learn about dozens of subject matters in one setting and hearing from other professionals. In April, I had the pleasure of attending POSSIBLE 2024, the second iteration of a new, dynamic marketing conference and expo in one of my favorite cities — beautiful Miami.

Instead of creating a traditional listicle of what I learned, I want to focus on my area of expertise — organic social media — but also share a few tidbits I brought home with me.

The Power of Organic Social Media

With a schedule stacked with sessions about AI, paid media, commerce and sales, I was delighted that Gary Vaynerchuk was a morning keynote. His passion is unmatched, and his talk reinforced my stance that without an organic social media presence “you have nothing.”

He stressed that in an era where everyone is bombarded with ads, genuine and creative organic content can cut through the noise, achieving exceptional reach and engagement.

One of his main points was that when creating visual assets for social media, we have to focus on the first moment. Put it on a pedestal, because you need to hook the viewer in that first second before they continue on their doom scroll. Your creative has to standout to get the likes, the comments, the shares — on social media, you should be vying for engagement not just impressions.

I appreciated his analogy that for first 12 years, social media was like email marketing –– you spend time building a following and then send out content that will only reach a percentage of your followers. But with algorithm changes and the chance of virality, you can reach more users  with a good piece of creative.

A few more notes from GaryVee’s “Daytrading Attention” talk:

  • The creative creates the reach and is the variable for success.
    • At Chernoff Newman, we’re lucky to have a stellar creative team that helps us develop standout campaigns for a variety of clients.
  • A single post on Instagram or LinkedIn is no different than a print ad or a billboard. It should have a purpose, reflecting your brand’s storytelling.
  • When it comes to competition on social media: no one is stopping you, you’re stopping yourself. If your content is good enough, you’re going to get the reach and engagement you’re striving for.
    • Instead of saying “someone else is already doing this” you must switch your mindset to “what’s possible with our social media?”

His perspective on organic social media was refreshing and underscored an essential shift back to focusing on marketing’s roots: creativity and human connection.

Other Highlights from POSSIBLE 2024

Social Listening to Guide Brand Evolutionheard the phrase “running to the comment section” and in the Beyond the Buzz panel discussion, they talked about the need for brands to do so. There was an emphasis on the opportunity of using social media listening to not only engage with customers but as an innovation pipeline to create new, better products like e.l.f. did with a product dupe. The comment section — not only on your brand’s page but on any page — is a place you can hear consumers’ wants and needs. It’s a free space to get consumer insights that can spark ideas for product elevation, ad campaigns and strategic communication goals.

Building Brand Love and Loyalty Through Influencers: There were a handful of sessions dedicated to influencer marketing, something Chernoff Newman is well-versed in managing. Much of the dialogue focused on how content creators/influencers are often more trusted than traditional celebrity endorsements or blatant advertisements. “Authenticity” was a buzz word — and rightfully so since that’s what audiences are looking for. Lele Pons is a well-known social media personality who spoke about making sure her brand deals are aligned with her humor, which her followers love. She noted that there are infinite brands and creators in the world, and brands need to trust that creators know their audiences and will know what will and will not perform well. Forced content = failed content = bad investment.

Impact of the HBCU community: As the lead of Chernoff Newman’s Diversity & Inclusion Committee, it was important for me to attend Group Black’s “Nurturing the Next Generation of Consumers” panel. With 7.3 million students and alumni, HBCU’s have $14 billion in spending power and yet it’s a rarely targeted audience. Eric Austin, VP of Global Marketing & Media Innovation of Procter & Gamble, talked about their two-tier approach to engaging HBCUs: recruiting and brand building. The emphasis on purpose-driven marketing and creating genuine connections resonated deeply, highlighting the importance of inclusivity in brand and marketing strategies.

POSSIBLE was a treasure trove of insights and innovative ideas, driving home the point that the future of marketing is not just about leveraging the latest technologies but about rediscovering and enhancing the human touch in our digital interactions.

Chernoff Newman has deep category experience in agriculture, food and beverage, education and workforce development, energy, economic development, financial/insurance, healthcare and infrastructure. We design integrated marketing and strategic communications that are impactful, thought-provoking and influential. We marry ingenuity with business know-how to influence beliefs and behaviors for brands, companies and their many stakeholders. We influence attitude and inclination. We influence opinion and outcomes. And when needed, we also influence to quell contention.