William “Bill” Billings is an expert web developer with 15+ years of experience building interactive, scalable websites for high-profile brands, including a host of elite culinary names like Wolfgang Puck Catering, Giada Catering and ilili Restaurants. Beginning his mastery of web development as early as high school, he has cultivated a wealth of freelance and agency expertise to bring to Chernoff Newman. He leverages new developments in web technology to drive organic traffic, enhance brand visibility and streamline the user experience for clients like the University of South Carolina and the South CarolinaAmerican Revolution Sestercentennial Commission. When he’s not exercising his digital prowess, Bill enjoys skateboarding and exploring the mountains with his family.
David Campbell
Heather Price
Peter LaMotte
Tye Price
Adam Bernstein, APR
Prussia George
Dan Jividen
Sara Anders
Liz Adams
David Anderson
Trevor Baker
Tiffany Bastian
Bill Billings
Katie Brewer
Alicia Broughton
Ryan Brown
Jae Dollason
Becky Elam
Emma Gerraughty
Becca Gresham
Alex Hagg
Lizzie Hall
Brooks Hearn, APR
Monique Holland
Reid Howard
Chardonnay Ismail
Bruce Jacobs
Daron Johnson
Allison Jones
Jackson Kirkland
Jenna Layman
David Leverentz
Erin McBride
Santana McIntosh
Kenny McNett
Hampton Miller
Natalie Mubarak
Emily Nicastro
Fenton Overdyke
Emily Peoples
Elizabeth Rogers Prim
Alexa Schoubert
Rick Silver
Jamal Simpson
Grace Singingheart
Tammy Smith
Nell Warthen
Kaitlynn Weeks
Elizabeth Wynn
Elizabeth Yarborough
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